
All services and other activities require registration / RSVPs. A summary list of our services and activities is available in our Seasonal Calendar.  To receive our regular e-mail event notifications, please click Subscribe. Please scroll down for a full list and click the title for more info. ⬇︎

Confronting Hate 1937-1952

Docent Jim Picinich from the New York Historical Society will lead a virtual tour of Confronting Hate 1937-1952 for our congregation. The exhibit examines the history of the groundbreaking campaign through vibrant posters, engaging comic books, newspaper advertisements, radio spots, and television cartoons.

 Hanukkah Party

The home of Josh and Francine Balling 30 Hooper Farm Road, Nantucket, Massachusetts

Please join Francine and Josh for a Hanukkah gathering including latkes and menorah lighting. All ages are welcome.

Yiddish Theatre Course – Session 1

In recent years, Yiddish has made a comeback. Jews all over the world are reclaiming and reviving the language of their ancestors. This course led by Elliot Lazar will explore the history of Yiddish theatre in both Europe and North America through close engagement with Yiddish plays.

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