

Kabbalat Shabbat services begin every Friday at 6:30 pm, from Memorial Day weekend through the end of High Holidays.  They are generally held in the North Vestry of the First Congregational Church at 62 Centre Street, and occasionally at Jetties Beach or other locations. For those who wish to join online, you can access through Zoom any time after 6:15 pm.  From November through April, online Kabbalat Shabbat services are held once a month and begin at 5:30 pm.  You can access them through Zoom any time after 5:15 pm.  

Services are led by our Rabbi Gary Bretton-Granatoor, visiting rabbis and cantors, and local lay leaders.  Our services are open to all, whether or not you are a member.  We are pluralistic, welcoming everyone from all denominations. For security purposes, we request that you register in advance for all services through links found in our Schedule listing or in our regular e-blasts to which you can Subscribe.


Congregation Shirat HaYam is excited to share the High Holy Days with you. Our High Holy Day services and activities in 5785 / 2024 – as always – will be available to anyone on a ticket-free basis.  Below is a summary schedule of our services and study sessions.  For detailed information, including other ways you can participate over the High Holy Days, please click the High Holy Day Schedule button. 

We request that everyone register for our services, whether joining in-person or online.   You can register online by clicking the Online Registration button below or download and print a paper copy of our registration form by clicking the Paper Registration button, completing and scanning/emailing to us.  If you are making a payment in connection with the High Holy Days (e.g., sponsoring flowers, making a voluntary Yizkor donation, attending Movie Night or Break-the-Fast), please click the HHD Donations/Purchases button.

Congregation Shirat HaYam has High Holiday Prayer Book Plates available.  A book plate can be purchased for a donation of $108 to the congregation.  Book plates are limited to 5 per member so that the maximum number of members will have the opportunity to participate.  Each plate will denote the name of the donor and then “in honor of” or “in memory of” a named individual or group (e.g. our parents, our grandparents, and/or specific names).  Book plates will be available on a first-come basis until all are sold. After that, donations will apply toward future purchases of prayer books.


Congregation Shirat HaYam can assist with sacred life cycle moments, including:

  • Weddings
  • Bar and Bat Mitzvahs
  • Baby namings and brit milah ceremonies
  • Funerals and unveilings

During each prayer service, we offer prayers for those in need of strength and healing and recall those who have recently passed or for whom we are observing yahrzeit.   You can add the names of your loved ones when you register for a service, whether or not you are able to attend.


The Nantucket Jewish Cemetery is located within and to the rear of the grounds of the Edward B. Lewis Memorial Section of Prospect Hill Cemetery on Somerset Road/ Friendship Lane in a serene setting of Nantucket on the outskirts of town.

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