Doris Glazer peacefully passed away in her sleep on January 16, 2023. She was born in 1928 in Chester, Pennsylvania. The house was always filled with music. Doris had two sisters and a cousin who took piano lessons from her live-in aunt. They had four pianos in the house and sometimes they all practiced simultaneously! There was also much singing, dancing, and listening to records, and the Metropolitan Opera radio hour on Saturdays was never missed. Doris also took organ lessons and played “Besame Mucho” one time on the radio.
Doris continued this musical tradition by getting a master’s degree in Music Education and taught elementary music in public schools for many years. She once did a big production of The Mikado utilizing all the students in grades 1-6! In 1967 she went back to school for a second master’s degree in Library Science. She worked as a school librarian for many years and after retiring, worked part-time in the public library in Springfield, Pennsylvania.
Doris was known in the family as being the organized one. She became interested in genealogy and researched family history, creating a family tree for both sides of the family. After she retired, she became a professional organizer for a short time and helped people organize their own houses.
After her husband’s death and the birth of her grandson, Isaiah. Doris moved to Nantucket to be part of his life and lived for many years “down the secret path,” in a cottage close to Mollie’s house. Doris enjoyed photography and had taken many classes to improve her skills. She had a great eye and took many beautiful pictures, many of which were on display in her home.
Doris was preceded in death by her parents, Florence and Harry, her husband, Irv, her sister, Lois, and cousin, Joan. The family was everything to her and her immediate family misses her greatly: Daughter Judy and son-in-law, Steve, daughter Mollie, sister Renee, and brother-in-law, Manny and grandson, Isaiah as well as many cousins, nephews and nieces.
There will be a memorial service for Doris on Friday January 27 at 11:00 am (preceded by music at 10:45 am), to be held in Hendrix Hall at the Unitarian Meeting House. For those who wish to join online through Zoom, please register by clicking HERE.