
All services and other activities require registration / RSVPs. A summary list of our services and activities is available in our Seasonal Calendar.  To receive our regular e-mail event notifications, please click Subscribe. Please scroll down for a full list and click the title for more info. ⬇︎

Cocktail Chat

Registration is now closed. Cocktail Chat, a reception with Susan Glasser and Peter Baker.Due to limited capacity and high demand, preference will be given to members. We will let you know on Tuesday, August 22 whether you are confirmed to attend and will provide the private residence address at that time.All are welcome.In-person only.

Kabbalat Shabbat Services

First Congregational Church Nantucket 62 Centre Street, Nantucket, MA, United States

Please join us for Kabbalat Shabbat Services led by Ross Silverstein.All are welcome.In-person Only.

Erev Rosh Hashanah Services

First Congregational Church Nantucket 62 Centre Street, Nantucket, MA, United States

Please join us for the High Holy Days at our Erev Rosh Hashanah services.

Rosh Hashanah Day 1 Services

First Congregational Church Nantucket 62 Centre Street, Nantucket, MA, United States

Please join us for the High Holy Days at our Rosh Hashanah Day 1 services.

Rosh Hashanah Community Lunch

54b North Beach St. 54 North Beach St., Nantucker, MA, United States

Members and guests are invited to join us for the High Holy Days at our Community Lunch.

Rosh Hashanah Family Tashlik Services

Brant Point Brant Point Lighthouse Easton St, Nantucket, MA, United States

Please join us for the High Holy Days at our Family Tashlik services at Brant Point.

Rosh Hashanah Day 2 Services

First Congregational Church Nantucket 62 Centre Street, Nantucket, MA, United States

Please join us for the High Holy Days at our Rosh Hashanah Day 2 services.

Shmooze and Study Session

54b North Beach St. 54 North Beach St., Nantucker, MA, United States

Please join us for wine, cheese and schmooze, followed by a study session led by Rabbi Gary Bretton-Granatoor about the difference between how young American Jews and some of the older generations perceive and discuss the relationship between Israel and the Palestinians,.

Movie Night and Dinner

Nantucket Dreamland 17 South Water Street, Nantucket, MA, United States

Please join us for the movie "The Levys of Monticello" at the Dreamland with dinner to follow at Nantucket Culinary Center, 22 Federal St.