Online Kabbalat Shabbat Services
Online Kabbalat Shabbat Services led by Harry Mintz.
Online Kabbalat Shabbat Services led by Harry Mintz.
Please join us for the High Holy Days at our Erev Rosh Hashanah services.
Please join us for the High Holy Days at our Rosh Hashanah Day 1 services.
Members and guests are invited to join us for the High Holy Days at our Community Lunch.
Please join us for the High Holy Days at our Family Tashlik services at Brant Point.
Please join us for the High Holy Days at our Rosh Hashanah Day 2 services.
Kabbalat Shabbat Services led by Ross Silverstein.
Please join us for coffee and schmooze, followed by a study session led by Rabbi Gary Bretton-Granatoor.
Topic: One Year After October 7
Please join us for wine, cheese and schmooze, followed by a study session led by Rabbi Gary Bretton-Granatoor.
Topic: Jewish Law on Reproductive Rights
Please join us for the movie "Blessed is the Match: The Life and Death of Hannah Senesh” with dinner to follow.