
Shavuot Insights

By Hershel Allerhand with thanks to Mary Ann Easley for typing and Liz Coffin for editing. This year, the holiday of Shavuot will be celebrated ...
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Passover Insights

By Hershel Allerhand Based on the writings of Rabbi Jonathan Sacks and Rabbi Joseph Soloveitchik (the memory of the righteous is a blessing). Time: Freedom, Holiness ...
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Tu Be’Shvat

A thoughtful essay by our member, Hershel Allerhand, on the meaning of Tu Be’Shvat. Tu Be’Shvat, the ‘New Year for trees,’ falls this year on ...
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Yom Kippur Morning 5783: Anti Semitism on Campus

College used to be a place for academic inquiry, social and physical exploration, recreation and maturation, and sometimes political activism.
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Kol Nidre 5783: Spending Time

Imagine, if you will, that every morning when you woke up some anonymous donor placed $86,400 in a bank account for you to spend any ...
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Rosh HaShana morning 5783

The Dubner Maggid told the story of a king who had a large and glorious kingdom – but his most prized possession was a large ...
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Erev Rosh HaShana 5783

As never before, our United States democracy is being threatened. And it is being threatened by attacks on one of the most basic rights that ...
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The High Holy Days

By Herschel Allerhand Vaclav Havel (writer, dissident and statesman) was not Jewish, but his views regarding life mirror those of our Sages and make a ...
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Tisha B’av

By Herschel Allerhand Tisha B’Av, the saddest day of the Jewish year, will be observed on Sunday, August 7th, 2022. Actually, Tisha B’Av, the ninth ...
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By Herschel Allerhand, typed by Mary Ann Easley, edited by Elizabeth Coffin Shavuot is the second of the pilgrimage holidays (falling between Passover and Succot). ...
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A Chiddush (insight) for Chanukah

By Rabbi Gary M. Bretton-Granatoor There are so many interesting challenges when considering the festival of Chanukah – the first is obvious: how do we ...
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D’var Torah on Haazinu

By Rabbi Gary M. Bretton-Granatoor Ed Paine, Ed Pease, Mike Scarpiello wrote a song in 1977, made famous by Peter, Paul and Mary in 1982 ...
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