Congregation Shirat HaYam shares the news of the passing of our beloved member, Jay Wertheimer, z”l. Jay died on September 10, 2022, shortly after his 90th birthday. Jay was the beloved husband of Lois and the adored father of Jeanne (John), Sandra (Jeremy), and Elizabeth (David), along with three grandchildren, Addison, Micaela and Eli.
Jay was a real estate attorney who had his own practice, Wertheimer Fredman, LLC, in New York City and White Plains for many years. He grew up in Borough Park, Brooklyn, graduated from Brooklyn College, and then became a naval officer during the Korean War. After the Navy, he went to Columbia Law School.
An avid athlete, Jay was on the fencing team in college, was a runner, played squash and tennis, golfed, sailed, skied, did yoga, and biked. He was a great dancer and dressed impeccably. He loved cooking and hosting and was a great chef. He loved music and opera, literature and history, and toward the end of his life was a keen bridge player and wrote autobiographical stories. With his bright smile, generous heart, and sharp sense of humor, Jay made loyal friends wherever he went. A dedicated father and husband, he loved his family deeply and always looked out for and cared for family members. He will be sorely missed.
Funeral services will be held at Frank E. Campbell Funeral Chapel, 1076 Madison Avenue (at E. 81st Street) on Wednesday, September 14 at 11:00 am. Rabbi Gary Bretton-Granatoor will officiate. Shiva will be on Wednesday and Thursday in person, 6 pm – 8:30 pm, at Jay and Lois’ apartment at 150 East 69th St, Apt. 2L, New York. Letters of condolence can be sent to Lois at 150 East 69th St, Apt. 2L, New York, NY 10021 or loisw.sculpt@verizon.net.
Jay and Lois are long time members of Congregation Shirat HaYam.
May his memory be for a blessing.