

Membership is the core of Shirat HaYam.  We have over 270 households that have joined as members.  Our membership spans the spectrum of denominations, ages, involvements and interest.  What we share is a common interest in advancing Jewish life on Nantucket and continuing to build and strengthen our sacred community.

Although all of our services and most programs are open to all, some are exclusive to our members or available to members at reduced cost.  In addition, on-island member families can access our tuition-free childrens’ religious school and summer camp subsidy program.

As part of our congregational covenant, we ask that each member household make a financial contribution in an amount that aligns with that household’s capacity. 

For more information about membership, please contact Liz Weiss and Amy Silverstein, Vice-Presidents, Membership through

Membership Contribution Levels
Double Chai – $3,600 *
Chai – $1,800
Sustainer – $1,200
Individual or Family – $600
Friend (choose a contribution amount)

* All paid events are complimentary for Double Chai members

Social Activities

There are many ways to connect with others in the community through our frequent social events and gatherings, including:

  • Cocktail receptions
  • Communal meals including Rosh Hashanah lunch and Yom Kippur break fast
  • Complimentary challah deliveries
  • Monthly pickleball round robins
  • Weekly bicycle rides
  • Annual golf tournament
  • Mahjong and poker groups
  • Young family events (e.g., field trip, ice cream truck)
  • Movie night


Our community thrives through the work of our dedicated volunteers.  While our board of trustees  guides our strategic direction, our day to day planning is handled by the following committees:

  • Adult Education Committee
  • Finance Committee
  • Membership Committee
  • Nominating Committee
  • Ritual Committee
  • Social Committee
  • Speaker Committee
  • Tikkun Olam Committee

Our volunteers also drive other initiatives, such as the Annual Fund, Challah Deliveries, and Religious School Program.  For more information about volunteer opportunities, please contact Chuck Shoneman, President, or Randy Haase, Executive Vice-President, through

Tikkun Olam

For many years, Shirat HaYam has made financial contributions to on-island non-profits and initiatives, and has participated in the charitable work led by the Nantucket Interfaith Council.  One way you can participate is through our Shabbat Tzedakah Food Gift Cards, a meaningful way to honor a graduation, celebrate a Bar or Bat Mitzvah, commemorate a wedding, or recognize a loved one’s Yahrzeit or other notable events. A donation to this program will go directly to support the Nantucket Food Pantry. Click HERE for more information.

We also operate a Tikkun Olam initiative whose goal is to establish and organize events and programs through which members of Shirat HaYam (and their families) can actively participate in and assist local charitable organizations and the greater Nantucket community.

As events and programs are organized, this page will provide details on how you can become involved.  For more information generally about our Tikkun Olam work, please contact Sharon Conway, Vice-President Tikkun Olam, through

Community Events

From time to time, we will post information regarding events and programs that we believe will be of interest to our Jewish community in Nantucket. 

  • THE NANTUCKET PROJECT.  The Nantucket Project will take place this year on September 26th-29th.  It will place a special focus on Israel, convening a nuanced and sophisticated conversation, and screening their new film, Isreality.  Click HERE to view the film’s trailer.  Click HERE for more information and to register for TNP.